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Gujarati Mango Recipes : Aamras


Gujarati Mango Recipes : Aamras

Aamras also known as Keri no Ras as called in Gujrati is a ripe mango pulp savored with every meal in Summer. The must to have recipe has a divine combination with puris or rotis along with regular main course of lentils and vegetables.


  • 4- 5 ripe mangoes (preferably Alphonso or Kesar variety, you can also used Pakistani Mangoes). Washed, peeled, and cut into small pieces and seeds removed.
  • ¼ th cup water
  • 2-3 tablespoons powdered jaggery or sugar (optional, depending on the sweetness of mangoes and your taste)


  • Place the mango pieces in a blender or mixer jar. Add water and blend until you achieve a smooth puree consistency.
  • Adjust the sweetness according to your preference with the help of jaggery or sugar.
  • Chill it in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  • Transfer to the dessert bowls and serve chilled along with your meal.


You can add according to your liking:

  • A pinch of cardamom powder
  • A pinch of saffron strands, or
  • Chopped nuts (such as almonds, cashews, or pistachios) for garnish.

Traditionally enjoyed with puris, aamras can also be relished on its own as a refreshing dessert or evening snack.

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